Unified Cooperation
Unified Cooperation is a GSF Behavior: Recognizing the interdependence between all living things with the desire to engender cooperation between groups and all living systems
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Observe, Discern and Accept
Practicing Meditation and developing the observer point is the critical skill which can be learned, trained and developed to discipline an unruly ego mind.
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Self Assessment
To address our core negative beliefs and core wound, we must look to the frustrations and irritations we feel in everyday life, by listening to the inner dialogue we have that is negative about ourselves, negative about others, negative about our conditions.
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Spirit of Humility
True Humility because it is a Spiritual Virtue of the Christ, protects us from unconsciously giving our consent and power to the predator realm of negative ego thoughts
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Self-ownership is the concept of property in one's own person, expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and be the exclusive controller of her or his own life, as well as body, mind, and spirit.
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Spiritual Awakening is a simultaneous increase of Expanding Consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies.
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening is a simultaneous increase of Expanding Consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies.
Generally the catalyst for spiritual Awakening is discovered through the process of progressive Kundalini activation that starts in the base of our spine and moves the intelligent energies up the spine and into the Crown.
To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way.
Spiritual Maturity
To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way.
To stop it one must identify it, locate it, and terminate it from accessing in your mind, emotions, body and spirit. This takes deep conviction and strength to reclaim your spiritual power and reclaim your body in the authority of God or Christos.
Hieros Gamos is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite.
Hieros Gamos
Hieros Gamos is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite.
The Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is a “Guardian” Multidimensional and Living Template Technology being offered to those desiring to expand their own personal empowerment, to develop the inner spiritual foundation and to claim personal sovereignty and responsibility over ones personal energies.

Star of Azoth

From within your 12D Shield, create the Hub Handshake with the Unity Vow:

Defenders of Truth, Sovereignty and Liberation. Guardian Families, serving the One.

From across all the Multiverses I call upon my Guardian families to join me now. My unification is demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - I sound my heart tone to you now. My energy template updated, renewed and forever perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. My Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and I endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Please sustain me in the Eternal Power of my Consecration.

I have asked for your Gatekeeping in order to hold my mission, my highest purpose in Service to the One Light, my Source, the Living Light Code. My Intention is Unification - the Cosmic Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, here and now.

I request the handshake to fortify my spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into the Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of my Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into my created form. I set my intention now to be remembered to that which I AM, fully, completely and totally.

I state my mutual purpose as One, please resurrect all inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light now. And to that I say, Thank God I AM the Living Eternal Light. And so it is lovingly decreed.

What is the Unity Field?

An opening for access and exchange between the many Universes which converge into a Central Point of Unity. A bi-wave field merged into a Trinity Wave field which unites into the Oneness field that returns back into the Zero Point Field. This is the main spiritual mission of the Christos Starseed and Indigo beings that have returned to this earth during the end of the Ascension Cycle as Polarity Integrators. The Unity Field is synonymous with the Cosmic Christ Consciousness Intelligence or Krystal Star living light energy architecture, and its communication networks called the Triad Communication Station. Unity consciousness is intrinsically integrated with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God, or the Law of One and Unity consciousness is the first practi